
Assorted tech links #2

If you like this sort of content, you can find me over at @pndrej, where I write about things like this more frequently (that is, more than once a year).

I do quite a bit of reading and watching of tech talks and since I often forget things, I decided to turn this into a sort of bookmarking service.

  • I like Joel Grus, he live streams himself live coding Advent of Code, he has written a cool book on Data Science (the second edition has just been released) and… he doesn’t like Jupyter notebooks. It’s a good thing that this is talked about, because notebooks are almost universally praised, but people should know about the downsides, too.
  • I’ve been using Visual Studio Code on and off for quite a while, but I still don’t use any advanced features. Here’s a EuroPython talk on some of its advanced features (not just) related to Python.
  • If you working with Spark, chances are you’ve read something from Jacek Laskowski, he maintains a few sites on the internals of Spark or Kafka, these are really good resources relating to underdocumented pieces of code. One fairly recent addition to Spark is bucketing and Jacek had a nice Spark Summit talk on the topic.
  • There are tons of interesting data structures and algorithms, Nicholas Ormrod covers a few of them in this great CppCon talk. I highly recommend the last part where he talks about HyperLogLog, an algorithm which is very close to magic. Oh and I also gave a talk on HyperLogLog and similar algorithms at this year’s PyData Amsterdam.
  • I’ve been compiling these lists of links based on my notes and one of my notes says just “Chandler Carruth”. Not sure if I was referring to a specific talk, but I watched nearly all his talks from CppCons, because his captivating narrative is really fun to watch. I don’t write any C++, but the principles covered in these talks are mostly universal.

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